Being a little off is a good thing
We changed the traditional center drain placement to one that is offset to either side. This allows for more uninterrupted space in the basin of the sink, which comes in handy when you’re tackling a pile of dishes. This allows you to rinse straight into the corner drain, instead of chasing debris around a centered drain.

Choosing sides
Offset drains also consolidate the plumbing underneath, allowing for additional storage space in your base cabinet. Most of our sinks are available in both left or right offset drain options. We recommend the drain be near the dishwasher. Typically dishes are rinsed over the drain so it's a short trip to the dishwasher... with no dripping on cutting boards

The offset drain allows easier access to the drain when using workstation sink accessories.

Right for you
If you have any questions about drain placement or plumbing, please feel free to drop us a line!
Let's Talk Sinks! 513-327-8078